The Creative Curriculum
Science and RE are taught as a discrete timetabled lesson in all year groups from year 1 to year 6. Other foundation subjects are currently taught through a topic based approach, ensuring progression in skills in all foundation areas. This includes P.S.H.E and E-Safety.
We promote healthy eating and cooking through Design and Technology and Science units of work and have a science and DT room with cookers and areas for practical learning. We also have a designated Art Area and year groups regularly use our Woodland area for Bushcraft and other creative learning experiences.
Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) is taught through all subjects. We have a specialist IT room with thirty computers and three class trolleys of Chrome books as well as class ipads.
We have a specialist music teacher who delivers the music curriculum to all year groups from Reception through to year 6. Over the past two years, year 6 have been part of the Whole Class Instrumental Teaching led by Norfolk music hub. All year 6 children have been given a p-bone on loan for the year so that they can have weekly class lessons and also have the opportunity to practice at home. We also offer a range of peripatetic music lessons and support opportunities for all children through the pupil premium funding.
We have a specialist PE instructor who delivers the PE curriculum to all year groups from Reception to year 6. We offer a wide range of lunchtime and after school sports clubs and we are proud of the many successes that Woodlands have achieved over the years. We have a strong track record in winning a wide variety of sporting events at local, County and National level.
Each foundation subject has a curriculum intent which outlines our vision and aims in each subject area.