Our Curriculum

At Woodlands Primary Academy we deliver a broad and varied curriculum to our pupils. The majority of our curriculum, including all foundation subjects, is topic based, meaning children explore a topic over a period of time, usually half a term. Through this topic they creatively explore a range of curriculum areas and subjects. Literacy and Maths are, where possible, also linked into these topics. Full details of the topics covered in each half term can be found by clicking here.

For all subjects, we follow curriculum documents which have been developed by our academy. This ensures that our teaching and coverage is adapted to meet the needs of our academy and the community which we serve. All our curriculum documents have been written with the 2014 National Curriculum in mind.

Please find details of our curriculum below. Full curriculum documents are available to parents and carers of children at the school on request. Should you wish to be sent a copy, please do not hesitate to speak to the School Office.


We follow the Woodlands Science Curriculum, which is based on the 2014 National Curriculum and is delivered with the support of Switched On Science.


Computing following the Woodlands ICT strategy, which covers both computing teaching and ‘digital citizenship’ and ‘digital creativity’ skills. It is delivered with the support of Switched On Computing.


These subjects follow the Woodlands Foundation Curriculum, which is based on the 2014 National Curriculum.


RE teaching follows the Woodlands Enquiry Based RE scheme, which is aligned to the Norfolk locally agreed RE syllabus.

All of our children from Reception onwards have a Religious Education lesson each week. The focus is to both learn about major religions and to think about what we can learn from them.

Woodlands is part of the the East Coast RE group, their website is available here.

We are currently taking part in a ‘Living Advent’ project involving schools from across the local area. Each school will unveil it’s advent ‘window’ each day during December and they will be posted on our website.


Each class has a dedicated PSHCE session each week, which is delivered with the support of the Jigsaw PSHCE program.