Message from the Headteacher

A Message from the Headteacher

Welcome to our website!  The information contained in these pages can only ever give a brief glimpse of everything we do here at Woodlands Primary Academy so if you are interested in applying for a place for your child, please do contact the school office to arrange a meeting and tour of our school.

Our school has a growing reputation for the quality of its extra-curricular and outdoor learning opportunities.  School teams win many local and regional competitions and often participate at a national level.  In addition, several children compete at a regional or national level in their sports outside of school.  Our school field hosts a Bushcraft area where children enjoy lessons with our instructors as well as an after-school club.  We also have an extensive number of music opportunities with several peripatetic music teachers teaching children and performances that showcase the children’s’ talent.  There are a number of performances each year, notably, Nativity plays and the Year 6 Leavers’ Performances.

At Woodlands, our purpose is to support a child’s development in several ways:

  • Academically, through high-quality classroom teaching which is backed up by effective, targeted additional learning support;
  • Socially, through opportunities to volunteer for positions of responsibility in the school and through inter-year group links such as the year 6 buddies;
  • Emotionally, through our PHSE programme, Jigsaw, our focus on Restorative Justice and our supportive staff team;
  • Physically, through excellent PE teaching, sports competitions and activities at lunchtime or after-school.

As part of the Creative Education Trust, we take part in many trust competitions each year and have a proud record of winning many and always competing well.  Whilst the outcome is important, the process by which we get there is of far greater importance.

If you would like any further information about our school, or you would like to visit to see what Woodlands can do for your child, please get in touch with me through the school office.

Ed Pearson-Shaul
